Firehouse financing, Reeds American Table liquor license approved


Maplewood officials on Tuesday approved the sale of $6 million in bonds to build a new firehouse. Maplewood voters approved the firehouse in November, passing Proposition F with an 82 percent majority.

The interest rate on the bonds came in at 2.49 percent, the lowest of 11 bids, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

It’s a low interest rate—City Manager Marty Corcoran credited the city’s strong rating.

“Obviously we got a decent bond rating—double A with several pluses,” Corcoran told the Post-Dispatch in an interview after the meeting. “And then I guess the market is looking for tax-free municipal bonds. Eleven bids is a whole lot.”

The council also approved a liquor license for Christ Church UCC (2200 Bellevue Avenue) that will allow the church to serve beer and wine at events.

Read the full article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

The council also approved a full liquor and a Sunday liquor license for Matthew Daughaday, chef/owner of Reeds American Table at 7322 Manchester Road. The address is the former location of Home Wine Kitchen, which closed in December.



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