St. Louis advertising professional Glenn Jamboretz’ involvement with campaign mailings before the 2012 Brentwood election brought him a $1,000 fine from the Missouri Ethics Commission.
He was part of a group, he says, that sent three anonymous mailings to Brentwood Ward 1 voters that called then-candidate Maureen Saunders
narcissistic and compared her to a 1900s abolitionist, among other things. They were fined because the mailings didn’t name a funding organization and he didn’t file as an organization. Saunders was running against Jim Bischoff, also a first-time candidate.
Jamboretz told the Riverfront Times in an interview that he was part of a group of four or five city employees, including a firefighter and police officers.
When Jamboretz was told a Brentwood firefighter disputed that fire fighters were involved, he went into further detail.
“There were originally four of us,” he said. “They grew to about ten. Some cops, some fire fighters—some current, some former—and just some people who live in Brentwood that just had some feelings. Just got tired of watching her do her petulant stomp her feet and yell.” He said two women were in the group.
Jamboretz said he lives on the west side of McKnight road, but everything he does is in Brentwood. “Every grocery store, every bar, every dry cleaner, all that is over there, and a lot of my friends are Brentwood employees. We’re all friends—we all hang around together.”
He disputed that the mailing campaign backfired because Saunders won. He said he expected her to win. “I wanted people to understand what kind of person she was. I think she’ll have a hard time winning a second time.”
He said his group of supporters will split up the $1,000 bill.
“The group of us got together. We divided up the bill, and we’ll pay the bill,” he said. “It’s technically called a fee for noncompliance with the rule. It’s not a fine.” Jamboretz has refused to name any in the group.
Be thankful Pat has shut up for a change. I like the guy, but his time should be over as mayor. Maybe we can get someone new next time. But, I doubt it.
The mayor who hasn’t shut up in 20 years seems silent. Imagine that.
Fire fighter Tom, I hope you show up at the next meeting condemning these actions. It would be nice to see a city employee actually speak out against this activity. As of today, many citizens are reeling thinking that this is how are public guardians feel about Brentwood Citizens.
This fool does not even live here. So, what does it matter to us what he does? Because he is sticking his nose in where it does not belong.You live in Ladue, right your problems and leave the good citizens of Brentwood alone. You worked for us, may you be fired by us.
I think the mayor’s top priority for 2014 should be to get his organization in order. He needs to get a handle on what is going on within his organization. We clearly have not corrected all of the problems.
After the 2005 election several city employees indicated that there were individuals associated with Brentwood that were responsible for the disgraceful literature that was distributed at that time and they apologized for it. The Ethics Commissioner assigned to the complaint that I filed in 2005 indicated that a Brentwood elected official(s) or staff person(s) would have likely had to have been involved based on the content. It looks like Mr. Jamboretz is confirming such.
The pompous attitude displayed now, in repeated quotes, by Jamboretz, is disgusting. His diversion tactics are quite transparent. Doubtful police, fire and other city employees will continue to protect the mayor on this one. All should come out when the infringed party seeks justice in the circuit courts. Including, who really wrote the checks. The lawyers for both sides will be happy to collect from this man and his merry band of evil doer(s).
I can assure you, no Brentwood Fire Fighters were in any way apart of this and we are NOT sharing any of the costs associated with this fine with Mr. Jamboretz
I cannot believe a supposed professional would do all of those horrible things. I also hope the voters in Brentwood remember that some of these mean an spiteful things were done by our very own Mayor. I certainly hope some strong, great people run for Mayor against Pat Kelly. The number of rules broken and mis appropriations of funds as well as a refusal to try and get the city money back all are reasons NOT to have Pat Kelly as mayor any longer. I am so sorry that all of those things happened to Maureen in our “City of Warmth”.
The only thing I don’t agree with it that your article says Glenn is a St Louis advertising professional. No professional does what he did. He’s a bum, always has been, always will be.
You are absolutely correct Greg. As a member in good standing of the local advertising profession, he is NOT an advertising professional in any sense of the word. He makes us all look bad. Evidence? His agency went down the tubes years ago…
Here is the time line of all of the election requests and mailings:
December 5, 2011 Daming requests Ward 1 voters
January 9, 2012 Saunders requests Ward 1 voters
February 28, 2012 Jamboretz requests Ward 1 voters file and Ward 2, 3, 4 in a separate file
March 10, 2012 Robocall by Survey Missouri to all of Brentwood, Kelly took responsibility at next Board of Alderman meeting. Survey Missouri LLC
March 15, 2012 Jamboretz requests Ward 1 voters only
March 21, 2012 Caine Mutiny paperback received
March 22, 2012 Strawberry jam received from Brentwood Forever, PO Box 120, 63144
March 23, 2012 Saunders receives marbles
Patch article on candidates voting records.
March 24, 2012 Robocall regarding candidate qualities possibly to Ward 1 only (same voice as first call but no paid source statement).
March 25, 2012 Dead pregnant possum with live babies left in Saunders’ yard
March 27, 2012 First letter, statement of Clements and family
March 28, 2012 Second letter on Carrie Nations (Pozzo received this on Mar. 29)
March 29, 2012 Third letter, narcissist reference
March 30, 2012 Official campaign postcard from Bischoff
March 30, 2012 Patch article:
“Patch tried to reach Kelly this week to ask if he had paid for the second round of calls, as well as the first.
Phone messages left for the mayor at city hall, his office at , his cell phone and home phone, from Tuesday through Thursday evening, were not returned.”
March 31, 2012 Bischoff hands out and leaves note on doors condemning the letters.
Saunders receives post card, not wanted in Brentwood
April 3, 2012 Election