Kelly coffee turns into city planning debate


A Brentwood resident predicted Brentwood Mayor Pat Kelly’s coffee with residents Friday would be a “victory lap.” Kelly has decided not to run, after 22 years as a Brentwood official. It turned out to be an hour-long debate between Kelly and residents about city planning.

_MGS7772Kelly began with a state of the city speech, mentioning Chick-fil-A coming to the city, and how some aldermen questioned if the fast food restaurant was right for the city. Kelly said it’s wrong for the city to turn down a business.

“We’ve always worked hard to bring businesses into our city, and developers know that, and that’s why they look at our community when they’re looking for a place for a business.”

A resident challenged Kelly on unrestricted growth, saying in some neighborhoods all you see is check cashing stores and nail salons.

“The problem is, nobody wants to change,” Kelly said. “Nobody wanted to redevelop that area. If that nail salon wasn’t there, who do you think wants that space?”

Kelly pinned the underdevelopment of Manchester Road between Dorothy and Brentwood on Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy.

“We tried to do that transportation development district (TDD) to make improvements along Manchester Road, and Andy Leahy, still, as an alderman, stands up and says it’s a great thing he got that thing defeated,” Kelly said. “That was the worst thing that ever happened.”

_MGS7759Kelly said the only thing the TDD was going to do was pay to remove utility poles, and build new sidewalks and curbs. He said it would have encouraged reinvestment in properties.

“Andy worked to defeat that,” Kelly said. “What has he done since? Nothing. And nothing has happened to Manchester Road, because if we can’t invest in those areas, why do you expect property owners to?”

Another resident, Susan Ryan, said she understands Kelly’s position in theory, but said  Brentwood is turning into a place she doesn’t want to live in anymore.

“I see overbuild, I see crowding, I see that I’m being choked out and my property isn’t cared about from a blending perspective,” Ryan said. “That’s what the comprehensive plan needs to get do. What is the vision of what we want Brentwood to look like?”

Kelly said a comprehensive plan is a guide; it’s not black and white. He said it encourages a mix of uses.

He said at the end that it’s been a “fun” 22 years serving the city. He said he’s concerned that the incoming board of aldermen won’t have the “institutional knowledge” helpful in running the city.

The coffee was held a week early because Kelly is scheduled for hip replacement surgery next Thursday.



  1. Wow. You folks are pretty hard on Pat. Everyone has an opinion. When you vote, you voice your opinion. When you run for office and get into office, you are in a better position to voice your opinion and to actually MAKE DECISIONS based on those opinions. Pat got into office 22 years ago and he has been voted in, by the people for 22 years. Now it is someone else’s turn. Quit beating on him and look to the future.
    The only way that we are going to get Manchester Road developed is to stop the creek from flooding businesses. We need a FUTURE mayor and alder persons to get funds to build some kind of retaining wall to hold the creek.
    The Chicken place has been decided. You folks are still beating that around. Jeez.
    It’s time to start looking to the future!
    Brentwood Road is a mess. It is giving us a bad name. Why don’t all off you ‘shakers and movers’ get a plan to use concrete on the road instead of putting a new layer of asphalt on it every two years. “BRENTWOOD. THE CITY OF POTHOLES!”

    • Jerry, as one who has been hard on Pat as mayor, it was never personal. Thank you for posting this, as Pat did serve for years. There are things that need to be done, as you cited–but tearing Pat apart now that he is “out of the ring” so to speak is not right. He did a lot of good–and it’s time to make peace and move forward. Again thank you for your post.

  2. The Manchester Road TDD was opposed by many people….I personally cannot remember Andy Leahy’s position on it. It failed because it was yet an additional tax for a project that was poorly defined. It covered multiple municipalities. The information that was shared showed maps where property was being taken (for example I believe sections of St. Mary Magdalen on the northeast corner of Manchester and Brentwwod were proposed for part of the project…will need to see if I can find the maps) and it was positioned as being much more than just burying utilities. I believe our current mayor was leading the TDD which was a concern for many…especially folks in neighboring municipalities that did not favor how Brentwood was being redeveloped.

  3. Andy Leahy didn’t have squat to do with killing the 6-cities Manchester Road TDD or anything else for that matter. It failed from Maplewood to Des Peres because it was a half baked, TIF dependent land grab for developers during the real estate boom of the early 2000’s. It would have been a disaster.

    Maureen this comment is “on-topic” because once YOU or anyone else makes a post here they become a “topic”. Your flair for the passive aggressive has sunken to an all time low suggesting that the worm Kelly has anything to add to Brentwood at this juncture. Grow a spine and pick a side.

    • It is so “on topic” that you had to explain it was “on topic?” That is so you: dodge the true point being made to get your thrills out of bringing me into all your own posts…Pat has administrative experience and should be recognized for it. Quit dragging my name into your ridiculous harangues, wails and moans AND STAY ON TOPIC. I’m done with you, but you cannot seem to stay away from me…have a good time!!

  4. The corner of Hanley and Manchester is actually in Maplewood (all four corners). I believe Hanley is a County road, Manchester is a State Highway. Brentwood really has no say.

    • May be in Maplewood, clearly a Gateway to Brentwood. Do you think this busy intersection would benefit from pedestrian cross walk signals? Brentwood can have a say if she wishes to have a say, member of Saint Louis County. Please observe all the Brentwood worker pedestrians and Brentwood citizens that attempt to navigate this dangerous intersection on foot every day.

  5. Manchester at Hanley needs pedestrian cross walk signals for citizen safety. Please observe this treacherous intersection for pedestrians of all ages. Try crossing the street there as a pedestrian Mayor Kelly! Expensive fix? What price for Life and livable, workable communities? If we really want development along Manchester between Hanley and Brentwood then we probably need a center turning lane to keep traffic moving. Possible or no?

  6. No one is stopping Pat from contributing significant points to the new comers, given his concern. I for one would like to see him in an advisory role for this very purpose. He could advise with no actual responsibility on his shoulders–as a private citizen. Pat has had a long tenure as Mayor and imo only stopped listening to the citizens in the last 5 years. This was the downfall, expected for anyone in authority who does not listen, and just rules by fiat. I expect the new BOA and administration to be more open and transparent. Best wishes for Pat, his hip surgery, and return to private life.

  7. Is it not arrogant of Mr. Kelly to say that he is concerned that the incoming board of aldermen won’t have the “institutional knowledge” that would be helpful in running the city? Did HE have the institutional knowledge when he became a member of our city government? He served for 22 years and still does not know everything there is to know!


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