In Brentwood the mayor makes appointments, which the board of aldermen votes to approve.
At Monday’s board of aldermen meeting Mayor Pat Kelly appointed Clint Lewis to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission, which the aldermen approved, and acting police chief, Dan Fitzgerald, to be chief, which the aldermen rejected.

Kelly said, about Fitzgerald, “We talked about going through a process, and the more I thought about it, I didn’t see any reason (not to appoint Fitzgerald), when I thought we had a good candidate here.”
Fitzgerald was appointed acting chief when then chief Steve Disbennett stepped down just before the city decided to switch dispatching to East Central.
Aldermen Anthony Harper, Lee Wynn and Cindy Manestar voted yes. Keith Robertson, Tom Kramer, Patrick Toohey, Andy Leahy and Maureen Saunders voted no.
“I think he’s a fine gentleman but I think it warrants more discussion,” Kramer said. Saunders said he’s a good candidate but there needs to be “time to wrap our heads around it.”
Kelly said he doesn’t want to put people through the whole process, “when I feel as mayor, we have a candidate here that I’m going to recommend. We all know Dan and his abilities.” After the vote, Kelly said he would make the appointment again.
Harper said his recollection was that when Fire Chief Ted Jury was hired, “there wasn’t a process for the appointment, so I don’t see why this is any different.”
The one sticking point with Lewis’ appointment to planning and zoning was a question by Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy which of the open seats Lewis was taking — two were vacant. When Kelly said it was Leroy Russo’s (from Ward 3), Leahy asked if representation is still equal across all the wards on the commission. “I’m thinking it is not,” he said.
Kelly said ward representation has been considered in the past, but “it’s hard to find people willing to give up that time to serve the community,” he said. Also that if someone from Ward 3 would be willing to take the final open seat he’d be happy to make the appointment.
Doug, according to this article, there is still one vacant seat on p&z. Mayor Kelly just called me back and said there is not a vacant seat. Could you check into that?
Brandon – per City Administrator Bola Akande, one seat remains open.
Brandon – a second reply from Bola – “I stand corrected. At this time, there are no more vacant seats on the planning and zoning commission.”
If there were two vacancies before the meeting, and one appointment, I don’t see how there could be no vacancies now. This sounds like bola gave you the real answer before Kelly was able to get with her to have her lie for him.
An alderman told me that in the new city code there will be one less seat on p&z, but the new code hasn’t been adopted yet. I might have more info tomorrow.
The mayor’s unfortunate decision to unilaterally appoint any City official with the level of responsibility of Police Chief is typical of his “selfie” style of ruling. That aside, I think Dan Fitzgerald is a good pick.
Mr. Completely, I couldn’t give you exacts, but he has served as a Brentwood police officer for a long time. As long as I can remember. He was a DARE officer and a school resource officer. I think he’d be a fine choice. That being said, I don’t think we should ever hire a fire or police chief without going through a complete hiring process, that way we can be sure we hire the most qualified person for the job.
Excellent points Brandon!
Brandon, I completely agree with your position. I completely disagree with the unilateral mayoral acts undertaken by this mayor, without due input by the residents.
As a life long resident of ward 3 I called the mayor and alderman Leahy yesterday to volunteer.
Brandon you are an effective leader and organizer. Brentwood would be lucky to have you.
Thank you Mary.
Brandon, Mary said that you are an effective leader and organizer. Could you please elaborate on what jobs you have shown those skills and get recommendation from past followers and bosses that you have had. Along with your past job history? If we gave that to Bola she could publish that so we could all see your past job skills and length of service in those jobs.
Some background on Fitzgeralds career would be helpful.