On Friday, September 21, our school family gathered in the gym to celebrate “Lily” day in the cities of Rock Hill and Brentwood. Lily, who is in our Pre-K 4 classroom has successfully fought leukemia for the last thirty-four months. Make-a-Wish Foundation has granted Lily’s wish in celebration of her doing so well and has sent her and her family to Disney World.
Keith Rawlings from “Youth in Action” has spear-headed the funding for Lily’s trip. Keith and the mayors of Brentwood and Rock Hill attended our celebration and presented Lily with a proclamation. McArthur’s Bakery generously donated Disney cupcakes for the entire school for our event. The children in Lily’s class dressed in princess and super hero outfits to support their friend/classmate.
Lily and her family were so excited for their trip. We are asking all to keep Lily in your prayers for her continued good health. “Youth in Action” is sponsoring a “Lily Fun Fair” on October 6, at Saint Mary Magdalen from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. All are invited.
Thanks so much, we love Lily sooo very much, her two older sisters are in youth in action, we hope and pray oct 6, 12 to 3 will be a big day for Lily and her Family, if you can not come, but would like to make a donation, you may, thanks so much,. keith Rawlings ,dir youth in action, youth in action 1269 avery ct 63122.. make it out to ‘MAKE -A-WISH, need more info email keith4yia@hotmail.com
THANK YOU!! These type of stories are marvelous! A community working with each other to accomplish good for someone in need!!!
Pray for Lily and the family and THANK YOU to Make a Wish and Youth in Action for bring some joy to a family in need!
Alderman Leahy