Maplewood History…Being Made by a Talented Family

via Kickstarter

A project in and about Maplewood has been undertaken by our own very creative and talented Kristin Tanner and her family. More than just a proposal, a children’s book and accompanying newly written song called Walkabout Town have already been created. Their super positive universal message about the beauty that surrounds all of us is one we should help them deliver.

The importance of artists to a community should not be underestimated.  If the Tanner’s song and book gain wide acceptance it would only change our community for the better. Find out more about Kristin at

Our artists must be encouraged and supported.  The Tanners are using Kickstarter to generate the funds they’ll need for further copies and distribution.  Please visit their page on Kickstarter and sign on to support this very worthwhile endeavor.

The Tanner home is part of the beauty that surrounds me on my walks through my neighborhood.
The Tanner home is part of the beauty that surrounds me on my walks through my neighborhood.


  1. Congratulations Kristen! This is awesome. My daughter and I saw you at our class at the Mo. History Museum on Wednesday. She had a great time dancing to your music, but she was off and running before I had a chance to say hello! 😉


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