Maplewood History: Followup Articles After the 1916 Explosion


To the rescue of those readers who asked about followup articles about the explosion comes Mary Piles, longtime reader and contributor to this site.  Mary is the historian for the CNB bank in Maplewood, formerly Citizens National Bank.

Take it away, Mary.

STL Post-Dispatch 3/4/1916

STL Post-Dispatch  3/5/1916

STL Star and Times  5/24/1916

STL Globe Democrat  12/19/1916

STL Star and Times  2/26/1921

STL Post Dispatch  08/12/1916  Mary’s note: I can’t find whatever became of little Dorothea, not marriage or death records… sad.

STL Star and Times  12/16/1916

Once again, thanks to Mary Piles.  We appreciate all of the effort you put into this.

Doug Houser      February 24, 2024


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