Maplewood History: Larry Giles and Woodside Receive Honors


The Missouri Alliance for Historic Preservation has presented former Maplewoodian Larry Giles and Maplewood’s oldest home, Woodside, with their highest honors.

Tuesday was a big day for Maplewood history in Jefferson City.  I would like to congratulate everyone involved.

We lost Larry Giles less than a year ago.  He was a fine and talented man who has left a lot of friends.  Here is a link to my post about him from last June.

Doug Houser       April 21, 2022


  1. Bravo for the courage and commitment that Brendon and Libby brought to this successful project. They deserve all the credit they can get.
    Doug, you deserve accolades also, as well as Maplewood, for never giving up on this historic home, especially when it looked like the inevitable outcome was going to be demolition. It really was in bad shape and getting worse week by week.

    • Thank you, Hammerhead. There were many folks involved with the saving of Woodside. The new owners took on an enormous job and prevailed! You are correct. The building was in very rough shape. Thank you for your compliments.

  2. I heartily agree with Mary Piles, Doug! You are certainly a local treasure. Gary and I want to add the expression of our appreciation as well for all of your years-long persistence in preserving Maplewood’s meaningful history. Congratulations on these state awards and recognition of pioneer Larry Giles and Woodside!

    Sharon Tash

  3. Congratulations, are in order to Larry Giles, and also to you Doug, Thankyou for the many thankless hours you give to enrich us with the fascinating history of Maplewood. You are a local treasure.

  4. Congrats to you, Doug. None of this would have happened without your tenacity and passion for preserving the history of our community.


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