Maplewood History: Please Vote Yes On Proposition L For Our Library Tomorrow!


Well, if you live in Maplewood, that is.  Our historic Maplewood Pool/Library building is in need of some attention.  It won’t take a lot to ensure that generations to come can enjoy this building just as many past generations have.

So please, Maplewoodians, make it a point to head to our city hall tomorrow and vote Yes On Prop L!

Courtesy of Tom Grellner.

Swimming is such a wonderful pastime.  Just look at the crowd it used to attract.

Courtesy of Tom Grellner.

In the summer, the windows could be removed to allow the upper level to be used as a pavilion complete with a fireplace.  The lower level held the changing rooms.  The men’s was on the left and women’s on the right.

Courtesy of Tom Grellner.

This image was made in the Summer of 1943.

Courtesy of Tom Grellner.

On the eastern end, looking something like a stone headboard to the big pool, was the stonework that supported a small fountain for the kiddy pool.  The stonework survives today.  The kiddy pool has been massively expanded.

Everything in the above photo is what replaced the tiny original kiddy pool.  There is a lazy river and two giant slides just out of the picture.  A new 50 meter competition pool was also built separately from this one for the children.  This was a really good idea.

Courtesy of Evelyn Callaway.

I’m guessing this is a picture of the staff.  That’s Ralph T. Kalb of Kalb Electric who ran the pool for a number of years.

Courtesy of Evelyn Callaway.

It was awfully nice of Evelyn Callaway to provide us with these wonderful images of these attractive folks enjoying the summer.  Ralph is in the rear on the left.

Possibly from the Maplewood Public Library.

Wow.  That’s a pretty healthy looking group of youngsters.  Ralph’s on the left.

Well, the point is for many years very many folks have been using and enjoying the Maplewood Pool building and surrounds.  It is such a beautiful building that we were extremely fortunate to be able to have it repurposed as our library.

Now we need some money to keep all of those books dry.  C,mon, Maplewoodians, do your part!  Vote Yes On Propositon L Tomorrow!

See you at the polls.

Doug Houser      April 3, 2023












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