Maplewood officials approve 3 restaurants, reject veterans memorial bids


In addition to approving a permit for Craft Beer Cellars and a liquor license for Tapped, Maplewood officials Tuesday evening approved permits for two other restaurants.

The council approved the first readings, with the final to be at the next meeting, permits for The Blue Duck at 7401 Manchester Road and Little Caesars pizza at 7325 Manchester Road.

At City Manager Marty Corcoran’s recommendation, they voted to reject all contractors’ bids for the proposed veterans’ memorial in front of Maplewood City Hall, because they were all too high. Corcoran said the city asked the architect to talk to the lowest bidder about how the memorial could be redesigned to be built for less.

Following Richmond Heights and Brentwood, the Maplewood officials approved a resolution to authorize the city to work with Brentwood, Clayton, Richmond Heights and Rock Hill on a study for a joint command structure for the five city’s fire departments. Maplewood was the last of the five cities to approve the resolution. Corcoran said he will attend his first meeting on Wednesday morning.

The officials also approved (first two readings) for sharing a fire rescue pump truck with the Clayton Fire Department, to be used as a reserve truck. The agreement is a  win-win, according to the city; it reduces the cost of a reserve pumper and upgrades the reserve pumper available. Corcoran said Maplewood’s current reserve pumper will be sold.

The council also approved (first two readings) of a conditional use permit for Dawn Medina to operate a daycare facility at 3732 Cambridge Avenue.

The city budget for July 1, 2016  – June 30, 2017 was approved.


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