Maplewood Pawn owner Gian Vianello has announced that after almost 60 years he’s closing the doors for good.
On Facebook Vianello said the shop, at 7407 Manchester Road, was opened in 1958 by Jerry Bearman and managed by Fred Schuver.
“They taught me how to do the right thing. They retired. Now it’s my time,” Vianello said. “We’ll be having some sales. I don’t want to take some of this stuff home with me. Bring cash! Anybody want to buy a business? Talk to me.”
The store’s last day is Dec. 23, 2017.
Vianello also said he’s taking bids on the store’s ukulele museum.
See also: Impromptu serenade at Maplewood Pawn

Same comment that’s positive.. if you haven’t been in and talked, you are all wrong.. I had some good advice.. looked it up on the web( which I did prior) trying to get some $ for a older Neighbor.. there is a need.. nothing but positive for me..
Glad to know that Frank apparently has first hand knowledge of where to take stolen merchandise and multiple pawn shops.
I’ve purchased several beautiful rings from this shop and the clerk was very helpful and the pricing was fair. I can’t understand the negative remarks. There is a need for the ability to pawn. Realize this and be grateful if you don’t need to pawn your precious things because of need. Others are blessed in other ways than wealth.
I don’t think it is fair to criticize either pawn shop in Maplewood. Or pawn shops in general. It is a business. EBay I am sure sells stolen stuff. It’s just an online site and you just don’t know where the merch came from. I live in Maplewood and my computer was stolen a couple years back and a detective found it at Maplewood Pawn
The shop owner did not have to return it to me, but he did. He was kind. Several years later I went in and bought a beautiful guitar with case and it belonged to someone who just no longer wanted it. There are stories to some pawn items. Relax and support the good in things.
Well said Cyndi! sorry you didn’t get your computer back….
Good Riddance…. Hopefully this will be replaced with a respectable business and maybe zoning can be enacted to keep pawn shops from returning.
My fingers are crossed for a fried chicken place.
thank you for the giggle
So where are the burglars going to flip their stolen loot for cash at? Oh yeah, there’s still another shady pawn shop in town.
Not saying that the Shops in town are shady or purposely do business with burglars, but in general I find most shops a place where criminals go to get cash for stolen items.