Local Police: Response plan in place


As the fall out from the Grand Jury decision continues to affect the St. Louis region, 40 South reached out to local law enforcement for comment.

Maplewood Police, Maplewood MO
Maplewood Police, Maplewood MO

Maplewood police detective sergeant Matt Nighbor reported that there have been no incidents reported relating to the situation in Ferguson. He went on to say, “Our emergency response plan is in place. We have additional man power available.” Some man power has been sent to assist in other areas including Clayton and Ferguson.

Brentwood police chief Dan Fitzgerald also reported that his department has not received calls for incidents related to the Grand Jury’s decision. Brentwood has also increased the number of officers on the street and has provided man power assistance to Clayton.

“We will continue to monitor the situation and will address concerns if they arise,” said Fitzgerald.

Richmond Heights city hall had no comment.

Those wishing to make donations of food and other items to first responders may do so at the Maplewood Fire Department.


  1. Am I crazy or does anyone else actually know that protesters and rioters/looters are not the same thing? God forbid anyone in our neighborhood sees protesters and maybe empathizes with a group of people who are really hurting and trying to be heard….but i guess that’s asking too much.

    • Jen – of course I know the difference. I just wonder why would car loads of people would protest at a shopping complex when all the stores are closed and no one is around to hear their voices. Unless of course closed stores make better looting targets?

      • Yes. They were up to no good. They proved that when one of them rammed a police car at the new QT. I’m glad nobody got hurt.

  2. From what I can tell the Police did a great job last night. Protestors were at the Promenade and QT on Hanley last night and the prevented destruction. Thank you first responders.

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