Maplewood police report armed robbery; Update: suspects in custody


Maplewood Police are reporting that on Nov. 5 at approximately 11:40 p.m., three victims were confronted by two suspects in the 7200 block of Lyndover. 

The suspects displayed firearms and demanded property from the victims.  One of the victim’s vehicle was also taken during the robbery. No injuries were reported.

Update: Maplewood police reports that Maplewood detectives have identified two St. Louis men as suspects in this robbery. Both men are in custody of St. Louis police and the investigation remains ongoing.

Suspect 1 is described as an 18 to 22 year-old black male (dark complexion) approximately 5’10” – 5’11” with a slim build wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and concealing his face with a dark cloth. Suspect 2 is described as a 15 to 20 year-old black male wearing a black and white checkered jacket. Suspect 2 is approximately 6 feet tall, slim build, and was also covering his face with a dark cloth.

The Maplewood Police Department is currently investigating several leads.  Please contact the Maplewood Police Department Detective Bureau at 314-645-3000 with any information regarding this incident.


  1. Way to go Maplewood. They have a very good Police Dept . I have no fear shopping, or dining in Maplewood. There is bad everywhere. You have two choices, stay at home and hide in your basement or go shopping , out to dinner and enjoy your great city . Don’t let a few bad things keep you from your city , parks, stores and restaurants. Maplewood is a very safe city. See you on Manchester!

  2. The news does seem scary.However, I think Maplewood is the safest it has ever been in the 40 years that I have lived here. Please do not get scared.

  3. All these armed robberies taking place is going to drastically decrease the value of homes in Maplewood. I moved to what I thought was a relatively safe area. However, more armed robberies have happened in the span of a month in this town and I moved from the city! More police patrols during the night is needed. Sure glad my taxes are being used for things like new technology for government employees and not the things that matter…


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