Maplewood resident to be tried for murder


A man living in the 7200 block of Anna Avenue has been charged with second degree murder and armed criminal action in an alleged shooting, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch has reported.

The accused, Tyaaron Harris, 28, and the victim were fighting, then separated. As Harris and the victim were walking apart, Harris is accused of taking out a gun and shooting the victim, killing him.

The incident took place July 22, 2013, in the parking lot of an apartment complex near North Elm and Waymire avenues.

Harris is due to go to trial July 7. He is being held on a $100,000 cash only bond.

Update: Harris was acquitted of all charges.


    • Murder is a unnecessary way to die. BUT please read the follow up on this case my brother was ACQUITTED of ALL charges!!! The news seems to only tell what they THINK the world wants to know, the truth was proven in court.


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