Maplewood, Richmond Heights chambers to merge


In the next two years the businesses of Maplewood and Richmond Heights will merge into one chamber of commerce, according to an announcement made Friday by Maplewood Chamber of Commerce director, Jeannine Beck.

As of January 1, 2016, the Maplewood Chamber of Commerce will expand its area of service to include Richmond Heights.

The transitional period will allow time for the two communities to become acclimated to working together and be successful as a fully-merged chamber. The board of directors of both chambers agreed to the merge.

“By collaborating  and sharing resources, there is tremendous potential for organizational growth and an ability to strengthen our economic profile in the St. Louis region,” Beck said.

Initially members of the Maplewood Chamber will not see any significant change other than a growing membership as businesses in Richmond Heights become members. Beck said the chamber will continue to function under the current name and the office will remain in Maplewood.


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