Maplewood violin shop starts campaign to repair, replace instruments at city school


Top Notch Violins opened in Maplewood last August with much of its business coming from nearby schools with orchestras. Now owner Steve Nowels is trying help a St. Louis city school with more students than workable instruments.

Screen shot 2015-05-03 at 11.28.46 AMWhen Nowels found out that the Shaw Visual and Performing Arts Elementary School music teacher had to turn away students because many of its stringed instruments needed repair, he was “livid” Fox2Now reported.

So Top Notch Violins and the school have teamed up to raise $35,000 in an Indiegogo campaign to repair or replace the instruments.

See the full report and video on Fox2Now.

From the Indiegogo description of the campaign:

This money will be used as described above to help Shaw Visual and Performing Arts school repair and replace at least 80 string instruments and to make any necessary adjustments on the remaining 60.

Stretch: If we are fortunate enough to exceed our goal, the remainder will be used to repair and replace instruments at other Saint Louis schools and programs: Carr-Lane Middle School and Central VPA High School as well as Most Holy Trinity Catholic schools in St. Louis.  We would also like to sponsor need-based scholarships for able students.

See also: Violin shop opens in Maplewood, Welcome To Maplewood-Top Notch Violins