Maplewood Walmart improves customer experience, according to press release


The Maplewood Walmart has reinvested in the store, and held a grand reopening ribbon-cutting on July 8, according to a press release.

  • Electronics department has a new look
  • New and improved customer service center with money services and Walmart pickup
  • Remodeled pharmacy with a full range of products, immunizations, and services

Prices will remain the same, but they’re adding greater convenience and an improved grocery shopping experience, the store manager said.

There will be face painting and product sampling on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


  1. I went into Walmart and I had trouble finding what I was looking for because they have moved many items around. I just want to get in and get out instead of having to hunt for what I need. Frustrating. Another reason I send my wife to do the shopping.

  2. Maureen, why use the verb rape concerning the events at Ferguson. Sexual assault can in no way be compared to what went on. It is a hot button word that fear mongers and attention getters use to arouse. As such it trivializes and dilutes the meaning and by doing so diminishes the trauma true victims have experienced.
    I have heard people say they were “raped” because they didn’t feel like they got their monies worth at a restaurant. You get my drift.

    • Hi. Let me explain it in this way, “I WILL NEVER FORGET THE VIOLENT RAPE OF FERGUSON” (oh wait…that was the original post…) No. I stand. Look up the word to understand it. I remain interiorly livid ABOUT THE RAPE OF FERG. So let’s YOU, anonymous, back off until your “drift” is educated.

      Obviously, you do not care much about the RAPE OF FERGUSON by outsiders. Seems as you are already “over it” which is you “drift.” Well, anon, I’m not.

      Buy an unabridged dictionary, because what you DO NOT know makes you look very limited and parochial. And kindly NEVER sling PC s*** at my expressions. I look at act and intent OVER verbiage—and you are badly informed. maureen

      • apologies—i post, and then my computer cues me that it did not go through–so i end up double posting. I wish i could edit this, but that is not my option.

    • hmmm…like WM is going to diss itself? Let’s wait and see what the customers say. See what the security reports say. See what the Police have to say. Police safety is now a very hot button issue–and THEY come before a PR release.

    • hmmm…like WM is going to diss itself? Let’s wait and see what the customers say. See what the security reports say. See what the Police have to say. btw, the Michael Brown lies of “Hands Up. Don’t Shoot” (never happened) had a large indoor racial protest at that very Walmart. FR and citizen security will speak volumes re the true improvements.

      • Well, redundancy and dyslexia are both my brain flaws. I don’t take it personally–so feel free to add to the list.

      • I’m trying to say this in the most respectful way possible: chill. They remodeled the area Walmart. I do not see in any way how you can bring racial protests, Michael Brown, and police security into this. What “security report”? I do not see the correlation between them changing a couple signs and moving a few things and the security of our police officers.

        • Hi Anon., . If it had been anyplace but WM, i never would have gone here. Racial agitators were imported from all over the country following the MB incident. THEY WERE NOT LOCALS, and especially not from Ferguson. Ferguson was a well known, productive, family residential community with locally owned businesses prior to the import-agitators and lies of race-baiters. WM is high profile, a lot of stores, name recognition, high volume traffic. And don’t be naive because the name and lies about “Ferguson, MO” are the only things a lot of people know about STL. So yes, I am concerned about our FR’s and the STL community being ambushed AGAIN, using imported hate mongers and WM popularity AGAIN.

          I will never forget the vicious rape of Ferguson by imported agitators. Keep your eye on the big picture, which apparently includes the fame of WM. Thanks for responding. maureen

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