Mary Magdalen students see palm fronds burn


Reverend Jack Siefert and Deacon Bill Weiss burned last year’s palm fronds on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church. Students from the school watched.

From Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church:

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in the Roman Catholic Church. “Shrove” is the past tense of the word “shrive,” which means to hear a confession, assign penance, and absolve from sin. Shrove Tuesday is a reminder that we are entering a season of penance.

Parishioners are asked to return their palm fronds from last year’s Palm Sunday Mass to be ceremonially burned on Shrove Tuesday.  Special prayers during the ceremony bless the ashes for use the next day during Ash Wednesday Masses.

The headline of this article previously referred to students’ comments as to the burning palms smelling like chicken. 40 South News apologizes to Father Jack Siefert and anyone else who may have been offended by the attempt at humor where it was inappropriate.


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