Mayoral candidate Chris Thornton meets with residents


Clint and Christine Lewis held an open house at their home on Pine Avenue—outside on the driveway—for Brentwood mayoral candidate, Chris Thornton, on the warm Saturday afternoon this weekend.

About two dozen came in the first hour; Clint Lewis said they were expecting 40 to 70 total.

Resident, Kathy Ryan, who said she has lived in Brentwood three years, asked Thornton why he wanted to be mayor.

“I see a lot of divisiveness in the community, at city hall between members of the board of aldermen, and it seems the residents don’t trust the government; I think a lot of that has to do with communication,” Thornton said.

See also: Chris Thornton, Brentwood mayoral candidate statement, meeting schedule

When Ryan asked where the distrust came from, Thornton said much of it stemmed from when former city administrator, Chris Seemayer embezzled from the city. “It got a good portion of the community distrustful,” he said.

He said wants to bring the city government to the residents.

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“That’s why I want to be mayor,” Thornton said. “I want to get out there and bring the game to them. I want to really get out there and say, ‘Not only do I want you to get involved in city government, I’m going to try to bring the city government to you as much as I can’—communication, really.”

Thornton also held open meetings for residents Feb. 27 and March 3, 5, 10, 11, 14 and 15 at the Community Center.

See also: Mayoral candidate Patrick Toohey hosts meeting at OB Clark’s, Mayoral candidate Wilson meets with residents


  1. My Wife Sherry and I attened this event and I would say I saw about 50 residents or more. Chris Thorton had a alot of positive things to say. I myself, cannot wait for the forum on Wensdday evening March 18 at the Brentwood School District conference center (1201 Hanley Industrial Court), beginning at 7 p.m.

  2. Candidate and Mrs. Thornton went door to door, including my house to introduce himself. I would say this coming Wednesday’s 7PM LWV’s Q&A is going to be among the most crucial to voter information among candidates. (Fortunately, this meeting will be video taped for re-broadcast, following Doug Miner’s initial statement he would personally invest in equipment as B’wd City Hall does not believe we are at a critical community juncture. The three candidates indeed took up the cost of this important medium to inform mobility impaired or elderly residents)

    Having had my question of where do candidates stand on merging Brentwood with the City answered by two of the three candidates–my follow up question would be when aldermen actively representing their constituents are evenly split on divisive issues, what factors would go into the Mayoral tie breaking vote. It is so clear we need to re-claim Brentwood, and contentious issues ALWAYS end up at City Hall. I do not expect magic, but a new day is coming for us and we need people to “hit the ground running.”


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