Missing snake forces early closure at Brentwood schools


Brentwood High School and Middle School students were released early on Friday because an escaped 9-foot long boa constrictor couldn’t be found, according to reports.

It was found, eventually.

According to a comment (below): “Boe, the class snake, is a red tail boa constrictor, not a python (as was previously reported). She was adopted from the St. Louis Zoo over 20 years ago and has spent almost all of her life in the classroom. She is very much a pet snake and poses no risk to students or faculty.

“Even though the cage was locked with multiple padlocks, she was able to escape from her cage due to a faulty hinge. She was found by maintenance officials wrapped around a hot water pipe located in a small tunnel under the floor.”


The snake was found later, under a floor.


  1. Omg people!!! Calm down. I have these snakes as pets. Totally harmless. They are always eventually when they get thirsty. Lmbo at the uproar poor Boe caused!!

  2. I’d like to issue a slight correction. Boe, the class snake, is a red tail boa constrictor, not a python. She was adopted from the St. Louis Zoo over 20 years ago and has spent almost all of her life in the classroom. She is very much a pet snake and poses no risk to students or faculty.

    Even though the cage was locked with multiple padlocks, she was able to escape from her cage due to a faulty hinge. She was found by maintenance officials wrapped around a hot water pipe located in a small tunnel under the floor.

  3. What is Brentwood high school doing with a python snake? And do we have the facilities and staff to properly care for it??


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