MRH board member resigns

Brooke Rintoul

The Maplewood Richmond Heights School District announced Friday that board of education member Brooke Rintoul resigned October 16.

Brooke Rintoul
Brooke Rintoul

“It is with truly mixed emotions that I submit this letter to you as my formal resignation from the Maplewood Richmond Heights Board of Education,” said Rintoul in her letter of resignation to the board. “Due to conflicting family obligations it is impossible for me to continue serving on the board at the level I require of myself and that I owe to you and MRHSD.”

Rintoul joined the MRH Board of Education in 2009 and has served as vice president, and most recently as its secretary.

“It has been a tremendous honor to serve and work with the board, our administration teachers, staff, and our community,” said Rintoul. “I am so proud to be part of MRH and plan to continue serving the district as a parent and community member.”

MRH Board of Education President Maria Langston said the board of education, staff, and community is sad to see Brooke step down, but understands her need to focus on caring for her family.

“Brooke has given countless hours to support our community, our schools and the children of MRH,” Langston said. “We wish her, and her entire family, the very best.”

Rintoul noted in her letter, “It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve with you over the past six years. We have met and exceeded so many worthwhile goals benefiting the children and families of our district. Seeing the board’s dedication and professionalism firsthand has left an impression that will always be with me.”

Pursuant to MRH Board Policies BBC and BBE-1, the remaining Board members will seek a candidate to appoint to the Board of Education to fill Rintoul’s seat.

For more information, contact MRH School District at (314) 644-4400.


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