MRH Cross country coach updates the season: breaking records, personal bests


Maplewood Richmond Heights cross country and track coach Ryan Rzeszutko posted an update on the cross country team’s season on Facebook recently.

Yesterday’s meet marked the halfway point of our season, and our kids did an incredible job. Several noteworthy accomplishments are included below:

— Sophie Roy shattered our school record, running an impressive 22:08 for her 5K, and finishing in 10th overall. Our previous girls’ record was a 23:22

— Lydia Grawer, Liana Van Zen, Kyla Walker and Edyth Seymour all received medals for finishing in the top 100. All 4 ran their best race of the season so far.

— Malik Stewart continued his pattern of dominance, coming off a 3rd place finish last week against some of the best large-school XC programs in the state (Kirkwood, Lafayette, SLUH). He took first place overall yesterday, coming close to breaking his own school record with a time of 16:52

— Josh Helle, Dominic Mancuso, Leo Salazar, Micah Grawer, and Josh Clark all received medals on the boys side, each running their fastest time on the season.

Please congratulate these athletes if you see them today!

Ryan Rzeszutko
Math Teacher
Cross Country & Track Coach



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