MRH to use modular units for classes in 2014-15

The modular units will go on the north side of the elementary school, according to an announcement.

The Maplewood Richmond Heights Board of Education has recognized that a growing student population is maxing out the current building space, especially in the elementary school.

The modular units will go on the north side of the elementary school, according to an announcement.
The modular units will go on the north side of the elementary school, according to an announcement.

On Friday the board announced that a two-classroom modular building will be erected on the north side of the elementary school this summer. Also, that three additional grade-level teachers, and an extra math and reading interventionist will be hired for the 2014-2015 school year.

The modular unit will be used for special programs, such as gifted education and Seed to Table. General education classes will continue to be held in the main building, according to the announcement.

The board anticipates needing additional space at all campuses in the coming years, and has reconvened its Long-Range Facilities Planning Committee to begin looking at possible scenarios to meet those needs.

Read the full announcement from the MRH Board of Education.


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