New Facebook page to focus on racial and economic justice in Maplewood


A new Facebook page, Maplewood Community Action Network, has launched. The plan is to work to build “an inclusive resident network focused on building a brighter future for all of our community members.”

The page’s organizers hope to build “a broad coalition with many diverse voices. Right now we are focused on building an inclusive resident network to set priorities as identified by those affected by discriminatory policies in our community,” the page states.

Also: “We are fact finding, collecting stories, and networking with local partners and other organizations working on similar issues regionally. Along with community organizing, we are focusing on listening and learning from the experiences of community members, attending city council meetings and court dates, and laying the foundation for a better Maplewood.”

See the Maplewood Community Action Network Facebook page.


  1. Hi Kristen and Mike, all of the organizers of the page are local residents of Maplewood. For example, I am a Ward 3 resident with two kids in the district. Another organizer is Ben Conover, a Ward 2 resident over by Stone Spiral. If you have any questions or want to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out via message on the Facebook page. Thanks!

  2. As an older, white, male Maplewood resident, I look forward to our community having the additional non older white male input.

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