Night Out Against Crime coming in October; 10-year-old wins Maplewood T-shirt contest


Brentwood, Maplewood and Richmond Heights residents will again take part in the St. Louis Regional Night Out Against Crime, this year on Tuesday, October 2.

Maplewood held a T-shirt design contest for the event, which was won by 10-year-old Stella Sullivan, in the 7300 block of Flora. The judges were from the city of Maplewood staff.

Stella’s prize for designing the winning T-shirt will be for her entire block to receive a one-hour visit from Murry’s Shaved Ice Snow Cones. Everyone on the block will enjoy as many free snow cones as they want.

Stella will be presented with a framed copy of her artwork during the block party, presented by Police Chief Kruse and Fire Chief Merrell.



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