Maplewood Deputy Mayor Shawn Faulkingham read a resolution that “honored, commended and thanked” Nikylan Knapper for her service as mayor of Maplewood at the beginning of the city council meeting on Tuesday (see page nine of the agenda). Knapper then thanked the council members individually.
New Maplewood mayor Barry Greenberg’s pick to be the new municipal judge, Douglas Sidel, swore in Greenberg, though later in the meeting a resolution to appoint Sidel as judge, and Jeffery Pauck and Stephen O’Brien as provisional municipal judges met with opposition from Shawn Faulkingham, who said he would like the council to review their resumes before approving them. The council voted to table the resolution.
Also, as Fox 2 reported, the council also approved an ordinance to add the offense of stealing to the city’s current ordinance related to hate crimes. The update was made after a resident reported the theft of an Israeli flag, and more incidents followed with the same resident.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Greenberg removed a proposal from the agenda that would have required union labor to be used on any city project more than $10,000, saying the amount is too low, which could hurt local businesses. He said he’s not opposed to it, he just wants to revisit it.
The Post-Dispatch also reported on the three council members whose terms expire next year, when asked about seeking reelection:
Nick Homa, “probably”; Eric Page, “I don’t know”; and Matt Coriell, “This is my official no comment.”