No charges in near-miss accident on Saturday


There will be no charges in the accident Saturday afternoon at the intersection of Manchester Road and Marshall Avenue where Maplewood shop owner Steve Rye was grazed by a car as he crossed Marshall, according to Maplewood police.

Maplewood Police Sgt. Matt Nighbor said Monday that the driver, a 19-year-old female, was located immediately. The incident scared her, and she went home to tell her parents. They were on their way to talk to police when an officer pulled up.

Following the near-miss Rye was angry, he said, and got up and began pounding on the car’s window.

“Apparently he was really upset about it,” Nighbor said. “Imagine being a 19-year-old female, and someone is banging on your door or window in the intersection.”

He also said according to multiple witnesses, “It looks like the pedestrian may have gone against cross walk at the time. The driver just clipped him when she made the turn.”

“So there’s no charges, we’re pretty done with that,” Nighbor said.


  1. This statement that I quoted from above,”We’re pretty done with that,” leads me to believe that the officer is glad to have the case over with. Is that the right way to think about the residents of Maplewood? Just another check mark completed on the to do list.

    I will be the first to admit we admit that I am a work in progress, but I feel like nothing was resolved.

    Some points I found strange. Why would a 19 year old flee to her parents. As an adult most people no longer live with/near their parents. Perhaps a defensive driving course would help this person. I’m sure she is lovely, but it should be made clear to not flee in your car because you clipped someone or please at least realise that you hit someone in the first place.

    We need to keep Maplewood a safe place for pedestrians.

    • Agnes, I apologize. The quote you mention was taken out of context and inferred that police were not concerned about the accident involving the pedestrian, which is incorrect. When I brought this to the sergeant’s attention he said, “This couldn’t be any farther from the truth. Basically our contention is that based on the totality of the circumstances and witness accounts no charges will be issued against the driver.”

  2. That’s a tough corner when it’s busy. How feasible would it be to have a left-turn arrow for westbound Manchester autos turning south onto Marshall? I’m surprised more pedestrians haven’t been hit.


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