P&Z to hear piano bar proposal; why Jive & Wail closed


Some Maplewood residents were notified by mail recently that a dueling piano bar will go before the planning and zoning commission on Oct. 5. Planning and zoning will vote to make a recommendation —yes or no — to city council.

A public hearing on the business, at 7376 Manchester Road, is scheduled for at the Oct. 13 city council meeting according to the notice, also.

The proprietor, Philip Manaois, a.k.a Spanky, told 40 South News by email Sept. 22 the tentative name of the business is The Jukebox Piano Bar. He also said he was applying for a liquor license.

Manaois was a partner in The Jive & Wail, which closed at the same location in 2010. At the time The Riverfront Times referred to a pending lawsuit, but Manaois said in the email that “had nothing to do with (the closing).”

He said technically, Jive & Wail completed its three-year lease and closed up the Maplewood location. “But the relationship between my ex business partners and Red Brick (the building’s owner) was strained, at best.”



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