Park(ing) Day comes again to Maplewood

This year's Park(ing) Day spot is by Reeds American Table and Scheidt Hardware, on Manchester Road.

For the second consecutive year, SWT Design and the Maplewood Special Business District will partner for Park(ing) Day.

The 2015 Park(ing) Day spot
The 2015 Park(ing) Day spot

Park(ing) Day is a worldwide event where community members transform a parking space into a public park for the day. This year it’s on Friday, September 16.

The project began in 2005 when Rebar, a San Francisco art and design studio, converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park in downtown San Francisco.

For more information on Park(ing) Day, visit the event website.

This year's Park(ing) Day spot is by Reeds American Table and Scheidt Hardware, on Manchester Road.
This year’s Park(ing) Day spot is by Reeds American Table and Scheidt Hardware, on Manchester Road.


  1. If Maplewood is turning parking lots into a park for a day, why is Maplewood buldozering every available green space left into parking lots or new buildings? There was an article yesterday here where Maplewood is going to tear up current green space to build apartment buildings and a Porsche Dealer.

    • I’m pretty sure the location for that was a giant empty lot next to an industrial park…so green space? Not really.

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