Police: firearms, tools stolen from cars

Maplewood Police

The following information was supplied by the Maplewood Police Department. Where arrests or charges are mentioned, it does not indicate a conviction.

Monday, Dec. 22

  • Police arrested a 21-year-old female employee at a Maplewood Commons business for an internal theft of  $3,000 over a period of time.
  • Police arrested a 30-year-old man for a drug violation resulting from a traffic stop near Sarah and Limit avenues.

Tuesday, Dec. 23

  • A 34-year-old man was arrested for shoplifting at a Maplewood Commons business.
  • Police arrested a 21-year-old woman for an internal theft at a Maplewood Commons business. Felony charges are pending through the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office.
  • Police arrested three women and two men for stealing around $1,200 of property from a Maplewood Commons business.

Wednesday, Dec. 24

  • Police arrested a 19-year-old woman and 18-year-old man for shoplifting around $272 worth of merchandise from a Maplewood Commons business. The male subject was also charged with a drug violation and resisting arrest.
  • Police are investigating a fraud at a Maplewood Commons business. A credit card was used for $3,300. Police have identified a suspect and are attempting to locate. The credit card was stolen from another jurisdiction.
  • Police arrested a 36-year-old woman for stealing around $475 worth of merchandise from a Maplewood Commons business.
  • A 2006 Chevy Tahoe was stolen from the 7200 block of Lyndover Avenue. It was recovered the next day in St. Louis city. There are no suspects at this time.

Thursday, Dec. 25

  • A car was broken into in the 7200 block of Gayola Place. About $400 worth of tools were stolen. The door lock was damaged.
  • Police arrested a 40-year-man for trespassing and soliciting without a license in the 2600 block of Big Bend. He had been warned many times in the past.

Friday, Dec. 26

  • Police arrested a 26-year-old man and a 29-year-old man for shoplifting $145 worth of merchandise from a Maplewood Commons business.
  • Police arrested a 22-year-old woman for stealing $155 worth of merchandise from a Maplewood Commons business.
  • Police are investigating a theft at a residence in the 7200 block of Zephyr Place. An acquaintance stole property valued at $450.

Saturday, Dec. 27

  • Police arrested a 40-year-old man for assault in the 3200 block of Sutton Boulevard. He is charged with assaulting a male acquaintance.
  • A car was broken into in the 7300 block of Marietta Avenue. Tools valued at $800 were stolen. A window was broken out.

Sunday, Dec. 28

  • Two firearms, a shotgun and a muzzle-loader, were stolen from the bed of a truck parked in a driveway in the 7300 block of Richmond Place.
  • Officers are investigating an abandoned auto in the 7600 block of Manchester Road. It was stolen out of another jurisdiction.
  • Police arrested a 53-year-old man for shoplifting merchandise from a Maplewood Commons business.


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