Police search for car break-in suspects involved several Maplewood blocks


Residents on Marietta Avenue in Maplewood saw police officers going from backyard to backyard with flashlights Monday night two weeks ago. One asked 40 South what was going on.

Maplewood Police said that on April 23 at approximately 12:15 a.m. officers spotted several individuals believed to involved in car break-ins near Elm, Walter, Cherry, Comfort, Burgess, and Flora. The search for the suspects most likely included Marietta Avenue.

Police said no suspects were caught; they got away.


  1. They should have gone directly to the Metrolink Station when dispatched as that is the most likely escape route…

  2. My car was one that was broken into on Walter. So glad that police are so great in our area to keep working at finding the culprit.


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