As Fair St. Louis is moved to Forest Park from the Gateway Arch due to construction, and all street parking in Forest Park will be closed during the fair, the Riverfront Times has assembled a list of the eight worst places to park in St. Louis. The Brentwood Promenade lot is number 2 on the list.
Weekday shoppers can find a “bounty of open parking spaces” at the Promenade, the RFT states, “but as the weekend arrives it becomes hell on earth. No amount of cheap Target flatware is worth the pain of navigating the madness of the Promenade’s continent-sized parking lot on a Saturday.”
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Is the Riverfront Times on target? Do you try to hit Trader Joe’s at 10 a.m. on a Saturday, or do you avoid the lot at all costs on weekends?
Read the complete article in the Riverfront Times.

I’ve had my car dinged on several occasions in this lot. The striping is too close! I loathe going there.
Getting in and out via Hanley Industrial Court is the only thing that makes it tolerable. If you try to get out to Eager road you are just asking for trouble.
I’m with those who go early–before 10–and sneak in cautiously via Hanley Industrial Court, praying cautiously every inch of the way!
It is a pain on weekends, but honestly being from Houston it isn’t that bad. I usually try to go early or late so it is easier. But still, I can get my Subaru in and out with out problem. Wait until Ikea opens.
Ikea has been open for weeks. The times I went there the parking has gone smoothly.
I agree with all of the above. I wait until after 6 p.m. on weekends to go to Trader Joe’s. But it’s not just the crowds, it’s the narrow parking spaces that make the lot awful. I have a compact car and if I’m centered in a parking space, there’s no way I could open even one door all the way. It must really be a tight squeeze for full-size sedans and SUVs.
I don’t go there on the weekend and I try to avoid it during the Christmas season.
I try to not even go there Wednesday at 9 am because it’s nearly always horrible. They got this one right!
I live in Brentwood and I don’t go near the place on the weekend. You could get killed trying to get from your parking spot into PetSmart.
I go at 8:00a.m. to beat the crowd