Puppies, festive sweaters, twinkling lights at the APA


Puppies with festive sweaters and twinkling lights await you at the APA Adoption Center where staff and volunteers want you visit.

20151213_134444-1_resized“Whether you are taking a break from holiday preparations or looking for a fun, free way to entertain the youngsters while they are out of school visiting us for a “Holiday Paws” of kitten cuddling or puppy play is a great idea,” says APA Executive Director Steve Kaufman.

Year-a-round the APA Adoption Center offers free or low cost organized activities for children and adults. Scheduling a class, event, or even a party at the APA is way to make memories while learning about animals. APA sessions for youngsters often include crafts. There is an easy recipe to make a pet keepsake or holiday ornament the APA Adoption Center is sharing for you to try in your home.

Paw prints ornaments can be a pet keepsake and holiday ornament.  They are easy to make and children can help. There should be adult supervision while making since there is heat involved, but parents or grandparents can do the cooking for “Holiday Paws Ornaments.”

Easy DIY Holiday Paws Ornament Recipe

  • 20151213_134420_resizedMix ½ cup cornstarch + 1 cup baking soda in a saucepan. Slowly add ¾ cup of water while stirring. Place on medium heat and stir constantly.
  • Mixture will thicken, be sure you stir to bottom of the pan.
  • Once it comes together as a dough ball, let it cool so you can comfortably handle it.  Knead for a minute so it is workable. Cut into pieces, roll into balls and press flat.  Have your pet press paw into dough. Use a toothpick to make a small hole to hang the ornament.
  • Bake in a 250 degree oven for 30 minutes on a tray lined with foil or parchment paper. You can paint your pet’s name and outline their paws once ornaments cool….or you can leave plain and add string or ribbon to add to your tree!

The newly renovated APA Adoption Center is centrally located where Maplewood meets Brentwood at 1705 S Hanley Road, Brentwood, MO 63144. The adoption center is open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday the hours are 10 am to 5 pm. On Sunday the adoption center is open 10 am to 4 pm. The APA Adoption Center will be closed on Christmas Day. Free parking is available in the APA lot.


  1. At this time of year want to thank 40 South News, Doug and staff for all the ways you help our communities. It is appreciated year around.


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