Renovation in 7100 block of Manchester Road/Avenue


Two buildings in the 7100 block of Manchester Road/Avenue are under renovation.

Majorette co-owner Pat Shuchard said Monday he had the opportunity to buy the building next to Majorette (7150 Manchester Avenue, to the west) and decided to for possible future expansion. For now he’s improving the appearance from the street.

This grid will replace the old front for now. Majorette is to the left (east) of here.
This is behind the false front, facing Manchester.

Also in the 7100 block, the apartments in the old Maplewood Theatre building are being renovated inside and out.

The back of the building in the 7100 block of Manchester Road.

See also: Maplewood History: Route 66 and the Myth Worthy Maplewood Theater, Maplewood History: A Surprising Discovery About Our Long Forgotten Theater District



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