Richmond Heights strengthens its indecency laws


The city of Richmond Heights has followed a month behind Maplewood in strengthening its indecency laws to head off any businesses similar to Social House II in University City, whose wait staff wears only body paint and pasties from the waist up, CBS News/KMOX has reported.

The city’s revised law requires “opaque clothing” rather than just body paint. Maplewood’s revised ordinance uses similar language.

“If we were to have the same sort of issue in Richmond Heights, we realized that our code as it stood could use some strengthening,” Richmond Heights City Manager Amy Hamilton told KMOX. The ordinance passed the city council with an 8-0 vote, according to the radio station.

“Richmond Heights is a good place to live, work and raise a family,” Mayor Jim Thomson told CBS after the meeting. “We have a great community here, and I don’t believe our community would like a place like that in Richmond Heights.”


  1. You do know that instead of just not allowing places that would bring money into a community you just not go there if you don’t like it. Just a thought.


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