Road resurfacing begins in Maplewood


Crews have started work resurfacing two Maplewood roads; and two scheduled are behind schedule and may not happen, according to Anthony Traxler, Maplewood assistant city manager/director of public works.

Work has begun on the 7400 block of Hazel Avenue; and will soon on Oxford Avenue, from Big Bend to Sussex.

Hiawatha and Sarah avenues are scheduled for this year but Missouri American Water’s waterline replacements are behind schedule so the roadwork may be put off until after the project is completed — most likely next year, Traxler said. He said it’s possible that funds could be redirected to other roads, but doesn’t want work to run into the fall or winter.

Maplewood considers road condition and traffic volume in deciding which roads to resurface. Traxler said Oxford was chosen because of the high volume of truck traffic it receives.

Last year, large amounts of rain in June, pushed back resurfacing of Martini Drive, Gerhard and Oakland avenues, and the intersection of Lohmeyer and Bredell avenues.

See the city of Maplewood map showing the street condition ratings, with run from 1 (worst condition) to 10 (best).

7400 block of Hazel Avenue
7400 block of Hazel Avenue
Oxford Avenue between Big Bend and Sussex
Oxford Avenue between Big Bend and Sussex


  1. You can find an inventory of Maplewood streets indicating their condition on the City website. This study was performed by consultants and establishes the priorities for what streets are repaired, based on allocated funds. Unfortunately several roadways have and need to be completely rebuilt which eats up a significant portion of the maintenance budget. When those roads are reconstructed, there will be funds to repair and resurface more streets. The following link should take you to the map:

    • BTW, the streets with no color do not belong to the City. The scale is that color 10 are the best streets and 1 are the worst.

  2. Big Bend is a County Rd. How does big government sound now ? Brentwood , Hanley are other County roads. I ask you again, how does big government sound now ? The bigger the government the less you have input. They do as they want on their timetable. Time to start asking questions. The next thing on their agenda is the Fire Dept., one Chief for 6 to 9 Depts. Then the Police, Building and Street Depts. St. Louis City / County next ? Start showing up at your Council meetings, ask questions, recall the power brokers. This is your city, act like it and get involved !!! Big Government is good for one thing, spending your tax dollars on junk and then lying about . Just look at Big Bend, they are striping the pot holes again. What about a .$75 tax increase? We all know more money will fix it,

  3. That block of Oxford isn’t nearly as bad or has as much truck traffic as Laclede Station Road between Manchester and Flora.

    • I have to tend to definitely agree with you Anne…..I think that Laclede Station Rd, between Manchester Rd and Flora….really needs to be worked on…..I live on Comfort Ave…and use that stretch from Manchester to Comfort quit often….I believe Comfort Ave, should soon be done too…altho’ now they are working on the new part of the ECC and are back and forth again on Comfort and also Burgess….It seems to be constant use of Comfort Ave…..

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