Roger to retire from Scheidt Hardware in Maplewood

Kevin Smith will take Roger McCreight's place when McCreight retires on October 15.

October 15 will be the last day to walk into Scheidt True Value Hardware in Maplewood and smell a pipe along with getting expert advice.

Roger McCreight is retiring after 40 years. He’s been at Scheidt Hardware since he was 25.
Roger McCreight is retiring after 40 years. He’s been at Scheidt Hardware since he was 25.

Roger McCreight is retiring after 40 years. He’s been at Scheidt Hardware since he was 25.

He first worked for Emil Scheidt, father of the current owner, Bob Scheidt. He said Bob was still in college at that time.

McCreight is retiring to the golf course, he said. It will be an adjustment because he didn’t take a vacation for the first 15-20 years, and when he did it was never longer than three days.

Kevin Smith will be taking his place.

Smith grew up in Maplewood, and has known Bob Scheidt for a long time, he said.

“I’m excited, nervous. Big shoes to fill there. He’s a fountain of knowledge,” Smith said of McCreight.

He said he’s been around hardware most of his life. “As far as the products, it’s not new to me. It’s getting to know the customers, what they like and don’t like.”

Smith also said he doesn’t smoke a pipe, cigarette or cigars or chew tobacco, though he said he thinks most people like Roger’s pipe. He also said he hopes not to be at Scheidt the next 40 years; that would put him way past retirement age.

Kevin Smith will take Roger McCreight's place when McCreight retires on October 15.
Kevin Smith (left) will take Roger McCreight’s place when McCreight retires on October 15.


  1. I too have been the beneficiary of Roger’s advice dating to sometime in the mid-70’s when I first walked through the door. He is an undisputed fixture of the business community and will be missed. I’m trying to imagine Scheidt Hardware with out him and can’t. Best of luck to you, my friend.

  2. Happy Retirement Roger. I always loved going in that store & hearing the floors creak & the pipe smell. I loved it! You were always very helpful in finding just what I needed for these old homes in Maplewood. You (and your pipe) will be missed. Thank you for all those years.

  3. I wish Roger well. I actually stayed out of the store because of the pipe smoke. I’m highly allergic. I went down the street to the hardware store that used to be on Manchester Road in Rock Hill and then have gone to Ace and the big box stores. More recently I’ve occasionally come by Scheidt but never sure if I’m going to be exposed to allergy symptoms. I have the same problem with smoke from any kind of leaves. I used to get very sick when in college because leaf burning was allowed in that town.

  4. Is there a pipe smoke air freshener they can use to maintain the ambiance? 🙂
    In all seriousness, though, enjoy your well-earned retirement. You will be missed.

  5. It certainly won’t be the same without Roger!
    Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!
    Know that you are a special part of living, working, and shopping local in Maplewood!

  6. I remember remember Roger from late 1979 when I started my commercial photography studio on Sutton. I would go in with some strange requests to create homemade light stands and Roger was not so sure about me. As time went on, Roger, learned what I was doing with that stuff and decided I was alright. and we have enjoyed a cordial friendship all these years. It will be real strange to go in and not smell that pipe and get Rogers advice.

    Roger, I wish you very best and hope that your retirement is long and enjoyable.


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