Shoe Stop leaving, buyer backs out after sign not approved


The Shoe Stop, at 2590 S. Brentwood Boulevard, is leaving Brentwood after approximately 25 years in three different locations. The business and the building is owned by the Frelich family; they’re selling the building.

imageEmployee, Betsy Adams said the store should be sold by the end of the year, also, that a potential buyer terminated the sale after Brentwood Plan and Zoning wouldn’t approve a conditional use permit including a pole sign for the new business — after “four or five meetings.”

Update: Planning and zoning member David Dimmitt has said (in the comments of this article) it was two meetings, not four or five. Also that planning and zoning did not deny the request, the applicant withdrew before the commission voted.

When Brentwood Boulevard was widened it put the existing pole sign into non-compliance. Boyd wanted a variance to keep the sign, according to plan and zoning minutes from a June meeting.

The potential buyer was Dennis Boyd, owner of  The Bedroom Store. The letter from Boyd’s attorney announcing the termination is on display under glass at the store.

“It’s a silly deal, really,” Adams said. “He was going to do some nice things to this building.”

The Shoe Stop has been in Brentwood for about 25 years, starting out at Brentwood Square, then where Pasta House Co. is currently, before its current location, according to another Shoe Stop employee.

Adams said she and other employees will get jobs at other Shoe Stop locations.



  1. Come on you guys! Everything’s swell in Swellsville. Just ask anyone in city govt. I miss Kelly’s swell monthly column telling me how swell everything is. Hopefully, Thornton will get on the stick in that dept.

  2. 1. It was 2 meetings, not 4 or 5.
    2. Planning and Zoning did not deny the request. The applicant withdrew before Planning and Zoning voted.


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