Shots fired in the 2600 block of Bellevue Avenue activated the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District’s cell phone-based “Raptor Alert System” at approximately 1:45pm, according to information from MRH Director of Operations Michael Dittrich. Maplewood Police had a suspect in custody in less than 15 minutes, so no alert was put into effect in the school district, though that action was “moments away,” according to Dittrich.
About an hour and a half later, a Maplewood Police detective was entering the apartment building on the east side of the block to investigate. Bystanders said the shots involved residents of the apartment building on the block, and that it’s a good thing they were a bad shot, since no one was injured.

This is right next to the building that Colin B lectured us all about in his last lengthy post on 40 south. Maybe he has additional thoughts he can share?
1:45 P.M., shortly after lunchtime. Not A.M.
Shots fired in the 2600 block of Bellevue Avenue activated the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District’s cell phone-based “Raptor Alert System” at approximately 1:45pm. What time do bars close?
Very concerning, With so many businesses closing and moving from Maplewood, MO, and a push by building owners/storefronts to establish more alcohol-related restaurants, craft beer breweries, and liquor stores. It appears to me, the only business that can make money in Maplewood, MO is to promote alcohol. Js