Shrewsbury Walmart project underway


Screen shot 2014-01-19 at 3.13.50 PMValue Village moved out of Kenrick Plaza last week; the remaining tenants will be relocating in the next month and a half as the Walmart Supercenter project gets underway in Shrewsbury, according to Jonathan Greever, Shrewsbury director of administration. The project was approved by the Shrewsbury Board of Aldermen last January.

Greever said the Walmart should open late spring to early fall of 2015, depending on how weather affects construction.

Trianon Parkway was closed on Jan. 10 to cut utilities and do other work in preparation for demolition of the existing mall.

Greever said the First Bank building will remain standing while a new First Bank building is constructed to the southwest of the KDNL tower, which will remain. Asbestos abatement has begun on out-lot buildings in preparation for demolition.


  1. The TIF Commission denied a recommendation that $15 million in subsidies be awarded to the developer. Despite the disapproval of the subsidy by the TIF Commission, the Shrewsbury City Council went on to approve it anyway So once again the taxpayers are contributing to corporate welfare and other nearby businesses are placed in jeopardy by the building of yet another Wal-Mart. – Larry Stone.

  2. So did Wal-Mart get any kind of tax breaks / corporate welfare goodies in this? I can’t imagine they didn’t get something.


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