St. Mary Magdalen kids trunk-or-treat


As a fun alternative to trick-or-treating and all the scary stuff, Saint May Magdalen celebrated Trunk-or-Treat. Trunk-or-Treat is like classic trick-or-treating where kids still dress up in costumes and ask for candy, but it was held in the church parking lot.

Cars opened their trunks or the backs of their vehicles and decorated them. Then parents pass out candy from their trunks. This provides a safe family environment for the trick-or-treaters.

The 5th grade parents organized this well-attended even on a beautiful fall evening in perfect weather. Cars were decorated and the children went car to car to ask for a treat. The playground was transformed into a haunted house.

There was a selfie station for the different characters to take photos of  themselves. Many different characters were on site… Noah from the Ark, Princess Leia, police officers, Ninja Turtles, princesses, a Madame Alexander doll, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to name a few. The kids of all ages had a wonderful time at the yearly event.

