Stolen donut delivery car returned the same day


A car owned by a Strange Donuts employee that was stolen from in front of the shop in Maplewood early Thursday morning containing about 500 donuts was returned later the same day, apparently missing only a few donuts, according to a Tweet by Strange Donuts.

The car had been running and unlocked, and contained the supply of donuts for the store’s Kirkwood store — about 500.

The stolen car was not the fully decaled Strange Donuts Smart car. It was the employee’s personal car an employee at the shop said Thursday night. She also said it was returned later in the day. “He acted like he was doing us a favor,” she said.

Maplewood Police haven’t responded immediately about any charges. Update — Maplewood police hadn’t been told the car was returned. They know now.

See also: Car theft victim didn’t prosecute



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