Stop sign on Sutton at Marietta could be given 90-day trial

This is the view from a car approaching Sutton Boulevard from Marietta Avenue.

A new stop sign is likely coming to to northbound Sutton Boulevard at Marietta Avenue. Maplewood City Council gave it two positive readings on Tuesday, and if it passes the final vote at the March 11 meeting, the sign will be there for a 90-day trial period.

Limited sight distance for cars turning onto Sutton from Marietta Avenue is the reason for the sign. City Manager Marty Corcoran said in a memo to the council that the simplest solution would be to limit parking on the east side of Sutton, but parking is at a premium due to  businesses such as Pie Oh My, Strange Donuts and Traveling Tea.

Ward 3 Councilman Barry Greenberg introduced the bill at the suggestion of a resident.

“I’ve been traversing that intersection for 25 years,” Greenberg said. “One of my problems is that my car is rather low, and I have to go at least a third of the way out into the intersection before I make a decision.” He said it scares him every time, and for that reason goes the other way (Marietta to Marshall Avenue).

This is the view from a car approaching Sutton Boulevard from Marietta Avenue.
This is the view from a car approaching Sutton Boulevard from Marietta Avenue.


  1. Thank you Barry for doing this. I also agree that the stop sign needs to be high. Also agree that enforcement for illegally parked vehicles on Marietta, and on East side of Sutton, north of Marietta, needs to be increased. There are a lot of times that vehicles park at the “no parking spot” at intersection of Marietta and Sutton, just north of Marietta, which also makes it very difficult to see turning off of Marietta. I’m getting a little tired of always having to call the police on illegally parked cars.

  2. Thank goodness this is coming. It is a dangerous intersection and scares me to use it. The 90 day trial is a good idea to make sure it is working. Nice thinking Maplewood.

  3. I think this is long overdue. I once totaled my car at that intersection because there was no way to see what was coming making a left from Marietta onto sutton. Glad someone is doing something to help.

  4. Don’t like this. Why do we need another stop sign…AND one so close to the intersection of Manchester and Sutton. My solution would be to increase the no parking area that extends on the east side of Sutton starting at Marietta going south. Imagine, from the picture above, if that black SUV wasn’t parked there…sight distance wouldn’t be a problem.

  5. I think that is a great idea. I to have a small car and have a hard time making a left onto Sutton from Marietta. And I agree with Gary Lee it needs to be at a height where it is visible so that it’s not blocked by parked vans or trucks. Also need more informant on cars parked on Marietta illegally.

  6. I think this is an excellent idea because of safety of drivers coming from Marietta onto Sutton. That intersection also scares me because it is very hard to see traffic on Sutton. The stop sign needs to be at a height where it is visible so that sight of it is not blocked by parked vans or trucks.


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