Suspect charged in armed robbery on Brentwood Boulevard: police


Brentwood Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald posted about a suspect being charged with 1st degree robbery and armed criminal action after an investigation into a robbery on Brentwood Boulevard.

On November 20, 2014, at around 7:05 p.m. a woman walked to her car after work, got in, and began to check her phone for messages. She was parked in the 1600 block of Brentwood Blvd. A man tapped on her window, displayed a handgun, and ordered her out of the car. He told her to leave her purse and phone in the car. He then took the car.

Brentwood police arrived minutes later. Officer Bappert and Sgt. Manestar took information from the victim. Video was obtained from a nearby location which indicated a second car was involved in the robbery.

The next day, our Administrative Assistant Jason Oesterreicher did some investigating and discovered the car in the video had been reported stolen in St. Louis city on Nov 20th. It was later discovered that credit cards taken from the victim were used to buy gas at two St Louis area service stations.  Video was obtained from those locations.

Det. Bone and Det. Litschgi, of our department, were in contact with Det. Riordan of the St Louis City PD. It was determined that the suspect in our video had committed similar crimes in St Louis City. Det. Riordan was able to identify the man in the video.

On January 12, 2015, Det. Bone and Det. Litschgi were notified that St Louis City PD had arrested the suspect, Thomas Earl Jackson Jr. 18 years old. Our detectives interviewed Jackson and he confessed to committing the crimes in Brentwood on Nov. 20th.

The St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s office charged Jackson with Robbery 1st Degree and Armed Criminal Action. Jackson was also charged in St Louis City with several similar crimes.

We appreciate the cooperation and hard work of all those involved in solving this crime.


  1. Kudos to law enforcement and video technology. The crooks need to realize cameras are everywhere and provide crime solving resources for the police.


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