Tattoo parlors, disorderly conduct, solar panels on Maplewood council agenda

Maplewood business Earth First Solar installed solar panels on this home.
Maplewood business Earth First Solar installed solar panels on this home.
Maplewood business Earth First Solar installed solar panels on this home.

Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Maplewood City Council will take up tattoo and piercing parlors, adding disorderly conduct to a peace disturbance law, making part of Maple Avenue two-way, and solar panels for both residential and commercial buildings.

The city provided summaries of items on the agenda.

Item no. 9 is a resolution authorizing the city manager to retain the services of WM Financial Strategies to refund some of its 2006 general obligation bonds that paid for the Maplewood Aquatic Center. By refunding the bonds before June 2014, the city can save approximately $200,000.

Item no. 10  is an ordinance to amend the Maplewood Zoning Code to allow tattoo and piercing studios in the Light Manufacturing Zoning District with a Conditional Use Permit and a stipulation that no tattoo and piercing studio can be closer than 1,000 feet to another tattoo and piercing studio. The Plan and Zoning Commission voted 6 ayes, 0 nays for the recommendation to the City Council.

Light Manufacturing zoned areas are along Greenwood Boulevard and Pacific Avenue and along Hanley Road south of Maplewood Commons.

Item no. 11, Bill 5921 is an ordinance amending Ordinance 5573 of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances, Disorderly Conduct. Maplewood Police Chief Steve Kruse is recommending that the City Council enact a disorderly conduct ordinance. The ordinance will support and enhance the existing peace disturbance ordinance. Normally, the city or a police officer cannot be a victim of peace disturbance. In such situations, citizens are often fearful or apprehensive to step forward and be named as a victim of peace disturbance in a police report. Their reluctance is understandable but it places limitations on the police officer’s choices to resolve the matter. Most cities have a disorderly conduct ordinance on the books. This bill has been read two times and tabled and is now ready for final council action.

Item no. 12, Bill 5922 is an ordinance amending Ordinance 5573 of the Maplewood Code of Ordinances, as amended, by amending Chapter 50, Traffic and Motor Vehicles, Division 2, One way streets and alleys, Section 50-143, Established, by amending Maple Avenue, 7300 block. The ordinance will allow the 7300 block of Maple to be a two-way street from the intersection of Sutton Blvd. east 239 feet where it intersects with the apartment building driveways. Many residents requested this change at the October 1 meeting. This bill has been read two times and tabled and is now ready for final council action.

Item no. 13, Bill 5923 This ordinance provides regulations for installing solar panels on both residential and commercial buildings. The ordinance has been reviewed and approved by both the Design and Review Board and the Sustainability Commission. A public hearing has been held on this matter and the bill has been read two times and tabled and is now ready for final Council action.


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