The Refind Room now offers estate sales, home buyouts

Suzanne Woodard and Shawn Lipe, with Teddy at the Refind Room.

Suzanne Woodard opened The Refind Room in Brentwood (2525 S. Brentwood Boulevard) in  October 2012, offering vintage, modern and contemporary furnishings.

Now she’s added another service. Partner, Shawn Lipe is an appraiser, and heads up Refind Estate, an estate sale service.

Lipe helps people with liquidation, sponsoring estate sales, or home buyouts.

“That’s actually what people prefer, because when you consider how much it costs to run an estate sale, with potential loss, potential injury, all of that, and if I can buy it, offer a check, and the next day come in a buy it from you, you’ve just saved making a mortgage payment,” he said.

He said they’ve been helping people downsize, and it’s not always seniors, a term he hesitates to use.

“If you see senior, you think, I’m a millennial, I’m not a senior, that’s my folks. It’s anybody downsizing,” he said.

Woodard said lot of people don’t know what to do with their furniture and decor when they move.

“The fact that he’s an appraiser will also help them determine what’s fair, where should they go with certain items,” she said.

“It’s really hard if somebody hasn’t done it before. Also, it’s helpful just having someone who is honest and objective and looks at it as a service, more than a money-making opportunity,” Woodard said.

Suzanne Woodard and Shawn Lipe, with Teddy at the Refind Room.
Suzanne Woodard and Shawn Lipe, with Teddy at the Refind Room.


  1. You do have a lot of interesting, charming stuff. Often I drive by and am tempted to stop and now after seeing this shot of the interior of your shop I know I have to stop. Bet a lot of people have the same reaction.


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