Tim Hortons to break ground soon


The first Tim Hortons in St. Louis, at Big Bend Boulevard and Hazel Avenue in Maplewood, is due to break ground soon. It should open by spring or early summer, according to Maplewood building official, Brian Herr.

Maplewood officials OK’d the restaurant in November. See also: Tim Hortons: 24-hour operation is non-negotiable; final vote next meeting

Herr said the job superintendent has been contacting him, so a building contractor has been hired. He said it’s a wooden frame building and should go up fast.

Herr also said construction traffic won’t be allowed on Hazel Avenue, and the the city will be keeping an eye on that.



  1. So Tim Horton’s is breaking ground. Why not ? The city already broke it’s trust with it’s people when they ignored the pleas of the neighbor for just a little peace after midnight by allowing 24 hour drive-thru operation.


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