Traffic study and more in city information on proposed apartments


Brentwood officials on Monday gave initial approval — final vote set for the next board of aldermen meeting — for an 80-unit apartment complex at Hanley and Manchester. The city officials referred to a traffic study done by CBB.

The traffic study is included with information on the agenda supplied to the aldermen.

According to CBB, if built, the proposed apartments would add 45 additional trips to the traffic flow in the morning peak hour and 65 additional in the afternoon peak traffic hour.

The proposed parking, of 1.68 spaces per unit, exceeds industry standards recommendations, and should be expected to be adequate, even though it does not meet Brentwood’s two spaces per unit code requirement, according to CBB.

MoDOT and St. Louis County have both approved the traffic plan.

The site coverage includes a building area of 31 percent, pavement 22 percent, remaining 47 percent is open space. It includes a two-story parking garage, surface parking, court yard and a dog park.

See the agenda item supplied to the aldermen.


  1. I’ll save you the time and and money…..the traffic around that exchange stinks, and unless they add lanes, and have a good foot traffic path…it will be a failure.

    • I vote no. do not re-zone urban to accommodate a money lust of a previously bankrupt builder. OR pass an Urban tax law of 20% surcharge, applied to any and all area’s zoned Urban. Use their money to police the areas and keep the road and traffic in hand. People are not looking at the costs to the community in holistic terms—i really don’t get that…

  2. Any easement for a someday (please God) widening of Manchester to include turn lanes, burial of utility poles, and sewers that work?

  3. I’m still waiting to see what the financing deal is on this project. Is the developer asking for TIF money? If so, how much and for how long?

    • Make the developer pay an upfront “right to build urban zone tax of 25% ” of all his costs. Developers need us…we do not need them. Make them pay for the privilege–And BOA, P&Z and Admin.—-KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BIG PICTURE…You won’t even fund additional FR’s to take care of our current business at hand. (see “spike in crime” u-Tube video).

      • 25% tax? Get real. Every muni needs development. The issue in B-wood has always been giving away everything to developers like we were some rinky-dink city that otherwise couldn’t attract a good Brand. Drill baby drill to coin a phrase, just keep the tax revenue for the people and schools.

        • YES—and for every zoning change from residential to urban THOSE areas specifically need to be taxed with a surcharge to meet the needs of the City to FR’s, sewer and water, Brentwood City Works Dept. and road maintenance so we remain stable. 25% is not punitive: it is a COMMITMENT. If you are serious, you don’t ask the City to lower the standards bar—see how serious people are to keep us a residential with commercial opportunities. No palm greasing. THE DEVELOPERS who want to ‘get a piece of THAT’ AND PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LIVE IN RE-ZONED URBAN AREAS should commit to the community. LOOK what is happening. We have low taxes now, and the spike in crime is getting under control. But you zone Urban without an on-going surcharge to pay for the services only in areas zoned Urban–and let’s see the vultures dissipate. NO TIF. URBAN ZONED AREAS CHARGED ANNUAL TAX SURCHARGE TO PAY FOR SERVICES—AND TELL US EXACTLY WHO IN ANY PART OF THE CITY OF B’WD IS PROFITING FROM THIS. This is called TRANSPARENCY. B’wd is not a stepping stone for a better home elsewhere. BUT THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE MAKING IT. serious as a heart attack about this. Names of investors, identify conflict of interests, and tax the areas rezoned to Urban and let us have the City FR and resources to handle the influx.

    • Don’t wait too long Mike. This is the new “just like the good old days” Brentwood city govt. Looks to me like all the proper palms have been greased, all the biggest asses have been kissed, and the deal has been made.

      • The truth of this (believable claim) needs to be documented and publicized. WHO is making WHAT off of a conflict of interest development? WE NEED TO PROTECT what we have. We do NOT need investors—–THEY NEED US. So let these people pay for the care that will be passed on in general revenue taxes sink-hole and see if they cannot get a better deal elsewhere. IMO WE ARE MAXED OUT IN CITY RESOURCES TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE. I want to know of ANY conflict of interest persons associated with these developments. I WANT to know exactly WHO benefits, to what extent, and the cost to the City for every one of these slick developers. I like green space—a clear FR appearance, and DO NOT LIKE THE USE OF ‘URBAN’ ZONE CHANGES anywhere==in the absence of an on=urban zoned tax surcharge paid by the developers yearly, based on the profits of the URBAN zoned (changed for this project) should pay. This point specific tax will ensure BRENTWOOD will remain stable. WE ARE ALREADY FACING “URBAN” ISSUES—IN THE SPIKE OF CRIME EFFORTS. How does the P&Z, Finance and Budget, Safety and Security and –yes i am sorry the BOA and Mayor Thornton justify more than we can handle. I WANT TO KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY CITIZENS OR OFFICIALS WHO WILL PROFIT FROM THIS INDULGENCE. I am very serious….Someone is making money off of B’wd safety and service—-NAME PUBLICALLY EVERY PERSON WHO WILL PROFIT FROM THIS INDULGENCE. Our Mayor now prides transparency—something we are not used to—as part of the Change in B’wd. Let’s be VERY transparent. i said it before and i know it is true: THEY need us; WE DO NOT NEED THEM. Publically identify all the players–and let the people decide if there is collusion and conflict of financial interest. Very SERIOUS.


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