Voters approve new Maplewood firehouse by a landslide

The City of Maplewood owns the property just to the west of City Hall (formerly a used car lot) and it would serve well as the site for the new firehouse.

Maplewood voters Tuesday overwhelmingly supported Proposition F, for a new firehouse for the Maplewood Fire Department, to be built at 7601 Manchester and 7629 Manchester. The current firehouse was built in 1962.

A four-sevenths majority, or 57.15 percent was needed to pass. The proposition won with 82.13 percent approval. Yes votes totaled 1,710, to 372 no votes.

The city now has the go ahead to borrow $6 million to build the new firehouse.

The passage also triggers a property tax increase of 28 cents per $100 assessed valuation. The tax on a home worth $100,000 will increase by $53.20 a year.

Maplewood City Manager Marty Corcoran said the tax increase will appear on home owners’ property tax bills in the fall of 2015.

Maplewood Fire Chief Terry Merrell read a statement over the phone Tuesday after the results came in.

“We understand the significant investment the community is making in funding the new fire station. We will responsibly manage and protect that investment in building a facility that insures we are able to deliver the best emergency services possible. We offer our most sincere gratitude to the entire community, that is the city of Maplewood.”



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