Work begins on new house at Flora and Sutton, plus a mystery


Work has begun on a new home at Sutton Boulevard and Flora Avenue on the  corner of the house with burned down in 2012.

The Maplewood Design and Review Board reviewed two conceptual ideas at the May 14, 2020 Maplewood Design and Review meeting. Owners of the lot, Dhruv Kar and Ritika Sahai-Kar submitted the drawings. See the meeting notes here: D&R staff report.

See also: Maplewood History: 7396 Flora Avenue

And there’s a mystery: a grave marker is stuck in the dirt at the construction site — “Buster – The Best Dog.”

The basement has been dug and forms are ready to pour concrete.


The conceptual ideas presented at the design and review meeting:




  1. I thought there was a requirement for new construction to be 3 sides brick in this area. Maybe that’s an old requirement or one I misunderstood.

    • I wonder if that might be a house by house decision. Several of homes on that street are not brick but some sort of siding. The house that was there was not brick. I think the one across the street and next door are siding and not brick.

    • I think the design guidance is that if you are going to do a brick façade, then you need brick on at least three sides because it looks awful/tacky to have brick on the façade only (e.g., the new houses on Zephyr). You can still do all four sides with any other covering you want — siding, stucco, stone, etc.

  2. Nice! I will be able to see it from my back window. Either has an orientation similar to my house on Elm. Great to see a house being built there!

  3. I am a little confused. It says there was only a conceptual review. But they have dug out a basement. So that seems they have approval for the project to begin. I would think they would have to wait until they had building permits to begin a basement.

    • The article does not include the actual architectural drawings, which were submitted to the city and approved before building permits were issued.


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